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Activating Authentic Growth

Investing in yourself

The Green Retreat is a self-development company, focusing on

activating the authentic growth within yourself.

Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to encourage mental, physical and emotional growth, by promoting good habits and consistency.

We offer both one-to-one sessions and group events in beautiful rural locations, where you can reconnect with nature and most importantly, yourself!!


The company was set up by former Royal Marine Commando Stephen Lamb, who is passionate about promoting good mental health and has a wealth of experience in coaching and mentoring.


Welcome to
The Green Retreat

Activating Authentic Growth

Client Testimonials

Steve Lamb delivered a professional and concise presentation on the subject of good habits and consistency. The visual slides were excellent in quality and Steve tapped into his experience as a former Royal Marine to explore and explain his presentation which included mental, physical, emotional and spiritual  components. His life pictures exercise was particularly impactive and certainly made me think about my own personal journey and where I was heading.” – Detective Constable, (specialised child abuse investigator), Lancashire Constabulary.

David Thomas 

I have attended a couple of walk and talks with Stephen Lamb from the Green Retreat and can highly recommend them for everybody.  I enjoy the great outdoors and walking and so what better way to spend a day or two, walking with an experienced leader through some of the UK’s finest scenery whilst talking away about anything you feel you want to. Walk and talks are not just for those who may feel they are struggling with life, but they also allow you to appreciate what is around you. My journey with The Green Retreat has only just started, but I can already feel results. I am able to speak openly to Stephen, without feeling judged, ashamed or embarrassed. He allows you time to talk at your own pace without any pressure and offers practical advice and solutions. This is due to his wealth of experience in different situations, his empathy, understanding and the desire to help others. It’s not all serious, you will definitely have some proper belly laugh moments too! In between just standing and appreciating the beauty of your surroundings. Stephen’s attitude to life is infectious and his selfless thought for others needs experiencing in itself. If you want to grow yourself and feel stuck in a rut I suggest contacting Stephen for a walk and talk. You will not be disappointed.

Beccy Theodore-Jones

It came to a point earlier this year that I felt I had to think about a different approach and direction in life to get myself back on track again for my well-being following a very traumatic and difficult 5 years  

What attracted me to the Green Retreat was being OUTSIDE in the open, something new - for my well being. 

The Green Retreat Woodland experience was much more than I expected, Stephen Lamb is a natural leader and clearly focused on activating mental, physical, and emotional growth and he genuinely cares. 

What is special about this enriching experience? you are outside in the middle of woodland away from everything sharing life experiences and learning to grow within yourself with a Growth Mindset.

Stephen delivered PowerPoint presentations and shared his knowledge and experiences. Techniques cleverly used to bond as a group was an excellent ice breaker, Tears and laughter flowed and the bond between the group over the few days spent with the Geen Retreat Team was incredible. 

Our guest speakers totally wowed us all with their own individual platforms sharing their knowledge to improve our wellbeing. I cannot praise all 3 enough, one of them taking place under a full moon which fitted in perfectly at the time.

Good food cooked over the campfire set in a Woodland chatting amongst friends and nature,  uplifting.

I am not giving out the full experience as I would like to think you may want to find out for yourselves, you will not be disappointed.

This is the start of a new journey for me, yes I have a way to go but already making progress thanks to The Green Retreat -.

In a nutshell - The Green Retreat has all the ingredients - A recipe to come back for more......

Tracey Matthews- Emergency Control Centre Team Leader -East Of England Ambulance Service

Tracey Mathews

Steve it was a pleasure to meet you and an honour to spend time in your company. Taking aside the fact that you were always ready to listen and support your humour made everything a little easier. 
Your talk was incredibly interesting but I was really taken by the sheet asking us to draw our life in pictures. What a clever and unique way of really making us think about how we perceive ourselves and how others do as well. I know I’m broken physically and mentally but that walk to the river and your positivity kept me going and did something I didn’t think I could ever do. 

Andy Watson

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